Sustainability is an organizational imperative that benefits business and the environment.
Sustainability North helps organizations shift sustainability to the mainstream of business. Sustainability challenges the status quo for greater results, for the greater good. It inspires change and innovation. It strives to find common ground among the often divergent social, economic and environmental interests. The niche of Sustainability North lies in its understanding of the role of sustainability through the full life cycle of industry enterprises, benefits to business and contribution to community values.
Sustainability is our business. We identify opportunities for building sustainability frameworks and related initiatives. Sustainability is more than just a millennium buzzword – it’s a powerful outlook on business. Sustainability North supports industry, government and communities to pursue this view.
Professional services provided by Sustainability North include corporate and community sustainability, regulatory affairs and environmental planning. Past projects include major oil sands developments, transportation and water resource infrastructure, government and institutional facilities, recreation and tourism resort development, telecommunications, environmental training and capacity building.
Services provided help to better manage business risks and operational efficiencies, while addressing environmental aspects and regulatory requirements. Sustainability North is dedicated to helping organizations apply sustainability initiatives as standard practice.