Sustainability in Canada. Global Applications.
Sustainability North maintains a special interest and expertise related to the natural resource wealth of Canada’s North. At the same time, our experience has been applied in different sectors across Canada and beyond, bringing a broad perspective to sustainability challenges and opportunities. Sustainability is a global endeavour, and Sustainability North will help wherever it can to make a difference, large or small.
Notwithstanding market cycles and fluctuating commodity values, the potential of natural resource capital in Canada’s North to sustain basic socio-economic benefits and our standard of living is significant. When commodity prices decline, the longevity of corporate dividends becomes even more closely tied to operational efficiencies, as well as regulatory and public support of enterprises. Increasingly, industry is taking a longer term outlook and acknowledging that the costs of social and environmental initiatives can be considerably less than the risks of ignoring related concerns.
Natural resources across the northern parts of the provinces and three territories present tremendous opportunities for local, regional and national economies. Nowhere is this more evident than in the oil sands of northern Alberta where development has contributed billions of dollars in economic benefits of supplies, services and jobs across Canada.
Similarly, northern Alberta and British Columbia hold trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in what are anticipated to become among the largest commercially viable plays in the world. Numerous large scale pipeline projects to transport these resources to market further present the vast potential for sustainable development of natural resources in the North.
The mission of Sustainability North is to respond to not only the exciting development prospects in Canada’s North, but also to the pressing global need for better planned and sustainable environments through professional planning inputs and capacity building.
Sustainability North – make no small plans!